Student Research Support
Our efforts are supported by an amazing group of student employees who support our work by developing and applying their diverse and widening skills. Some of their duties include::
- Content editing
- Translations
- File organization
- Preparation of materials for professional development and data collection
- Data entry, data cleaning, and data organization
Skylar Kasnoff
Skylar Kasnoff supports our work at the Marsico Institute for Early Learning through content organization of our premier professional development website - He applies his excellent work ethic combined with fantastic skills in using spreadsheets to organize and track progress of our work. His efforts have led to the creation of a dashboard that provides information at a glance about the status of more than 700 learning activities and their associated images, text content, and videos. These efforts are a huge contribution to making our work more sustainable as we continue to expand resources to impact early childhood education and care.
Elisa Valles Leon
Elisa Valles Leon is a work-study at the Marsico Institute for Early Learning. She studies Business Management and Analytics in the Daniels College of Business. At Marsico, she works as an editor and translator. Her primary responsibilities include translating documents, as well as verifying and correcting existing translations. She supports the mission of the Marsico Institute for Early Learning by ensuring the content of our premier early math website -, is accessible in both English and Spanish. The newest member of our team - we are happy to have her onboard to bring the excellence we have come to expect from the student body at the University of Denver.