Professional Development

Marsico Institute’s staff are experienced education consultants who provide schools and districts with research-based, tailored guidance and innovative solutions to help focus on what matters most. If interested in professional development or certification to use our measures, please contact Crystal Day-Hess 303.871.3725 or


Our professional development offerings include:

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    Staff development

    We offer extensive staff development offerings, including Learning and Teaching with Learning Trajectories, Math Play, and a variety of certification options.

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    Technical assistance/consulting

    Our customized services can target specific areas for improvement in your school or district, such as standards analysis, technology in the classroom, and playful and developmentally appropriate STEM. See PD offerings for more.

  • Learning Trajectories Workshops

    The Learning Trajectories Workshops provide an overview of our learning trajectories for early childhood mathematics. Each workshop will focus on a specific mathematical topic, such as counting, geometry, or measurement.

    Participants will learn to understand children’s mathematical competence within a research-based developmental progression and how to target instruction to a level of understanding.

    Learning trajectories for each math topic will be presented, including how to use learning trajectories to (a) structural observation and other authentic assessment strategies; (b) support children’s mathematical development in the classroom, including small-group activities, learning centers, and to recognize and support mathematics throughout the day; and (c) support mathematical development in the home.

    Mathematical topics offered include:

    • Counting and Number Sense
    • Geometry and Spatial Relationships
    • Measurement
    • Patterning

    Workshop Objectives

    • Understand the components of a learning trajectory: mathematical goal, developmental progression, and related instruction.
    • Develop a better understanding of a mathematical topic.
    • Understand the developmental progression in children’s understanding of a mathematical topic.
    • Identify a child’s level of thinking within the developmental progression through video analysis.
    • Relate instruction to the level of development of a child.

    Audience(s) - Teachers, Administrators

  • Math Play Workshop

    The Math Play Workshop will provide an overview of the learning trajectories for early mathematics and how to address them through play.

    Over the course of one or two days, Marsico Institute and Kennedy Institute early childhood experts will lead participants through structured discussion and activities in small groups to develop play opportunities for their classrooms to target the learning trajectories. Participants will view and analyze videotapes that illustrate different teaching practices for use in their own classrooms to address the trajectories. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to implement research-based, developmentally appropriate strategies in their classroom.

    Workshop Objectives

    • Understand the domains of early math development.
    • Use explicit, intentional, scaffolded instruction based on scientific research.
    • Mature make-believe play as a context where young children develop skills critical to meet standards.

    Audience(s) - Teachers and Administrators

Certification Options for Early Math Measures


    The COEMET Institute provides in depth training on using the Classroom Observation of Early Mathematics—Environment and Teaching (COEMET).

    The focus of this 2-day institute is to prepare participants to use the COEMET and to learn to effectively utilize the COEMET, understanding the three major components: classroom culture, specific math activity (SMA), and miniature specific math activity (mini-SMA).  The focus of this institute is developing an understanding of the concepts measured by the instrument as well as providing certification to conduct observations. During this 2-day training participants will:

    • Learn about the Classroom Culture portion, which includes questions about how actively the teacher interacts with the children, how the teacher uses teachable math moments, how math is displayed in the physical environmental of the room, how confident the teacher appeared with math, etc.
    • How to conduct the SMA portion of the COEMET which uses event sampling.
    • Practice conducting observations in pre-k classroom setting with feedback from expert instructors.

    Upon successful completion of this training, you will be licensed to conduct COEMET observations in your district or service area for a period of one year (annual relicensing available). Your organization will retain 100 percent of any tuition or fees you charge for the trainings that you deliver during the year.

    Audience(s) - Administrators, Coaches, Researchers


    The REMA Institute provides in depth training on using the Research-based Early Mathematics Assessment (REMA).

    The focus of the institute is to prepare participants to use the REMA reliably and with full fidelity, developing fluency with the instrument itself and providing certification to conduct the assessment.

    The length and costs of training, annual certifications, and materials varies depending on the version of the REMA being used: REMA Full (197 items, PK-2nd), REMA Short Form (80 items, PK-2nd), REMA Brief (20 items, PK), or REMA Learning Trajectory Subtests (item counts and grade levels vary by Learning Trajectory topic). As part of the training institute, participants will:

    • Learn about the general Learning Trajectories approach and research underlying the assessment.
    • Review and watch videos of assessment items being administered with real children in the classroom.
    • Learn how to observe and score children's strategies for solving assessment items (for select REMA versions only).
    • Upon completion of the training, will practice and receive expert feedback of their administration of the assessment.

    Upon successful completion of this training and feedback process, assessors will be certified to conduct REMA assessments for their research project, district, or service area for a period of one year (annual recertification available).

    Audience(s) - Administrators, Teachers, Coaches, and Researchers