
The Marsico Institute offers

Learning Trajectories Workshops

The Learning Trajectories Workshops provide an overview of our learning trajectories for early childhood mathematics. Each workshop will focus on a specific mathematical topic, such as counting, geometry, or measurement. Participants will learn to understand children’s mathematical competence within a research-based developmental progression and how to target instruction to a level of understanding.

Math Play Workshop

The Math Play Workshop will provide an overview of the learning trajectories for early mathematics and how to address them through play. Over the course of two days, Marsico Institute and Kennedy Institute early childhood experts will lead participants through structured discussion and activities in small groups to develop play opportunities for their classrooms to target the learning trajectories. Participants will view and analyze videotapes that illustrate different teaching practices for use in their own classrooms to address the trajectories. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to implement research-based, developmentally appropriate strategies in their classroom.

COEMET Institute

The COEMET Institute provides in depth training on using the Classroom Observation of Early Mathematics—Environment and Teaching (COEMET). The focus of this 2-day institute is to prepare participants to use the COEMET and to learn to effectively utilize the COEMET, understanding the three major components: classroom culture, specific math activity (SMA), and miniature specific math activity (mini-SMA).  The focus of this institute is developing an understanding of the concepts measured by the instrument as well as providing certification to conduct observations.

REMA Institute

The REMA Institute provides in depth training on using the Research-based Early Mathematics Assessment (REMA). The focus of the institute is to prepare participants to use the REMA reliably and with full fidelity, developing fluency with the instrument itself and providing certification to conduct the assessment.