Crystal Day-Hess
Assistant Director of the Marsico Institute
Assistant Research Professor
What I do
I am the Assistant Director of the Marsico Institute for Early Learning and an Assistant Research Professor within the Morgridge College of Education. Alongside our Co-Executive Directors, I supervise and facilitate activities across both research and administrative operations, as well as organizing and implementing teacher professional development and certification trainings for the use of our measurement tools by other researchers. My work focuses on early childhood research and evaluation projects, professional development training, and technical assistance focusing on young children’s cognitive and social-emotional skills. I am specifically interested in children’s learning and development of executive function and mathematics in the context of make-believe play and scaffolded writing.
Early childhood development and education
Research design
Quantitative and qualitative data collection methods
Instrument development
Program evaluation
Teacher professional development
Executive function
Achievement motivation
Research team management
Professional Biography
Dr. Crystal Day-Hess, Ph.D., is an Assistant Research Professor and is the Assistant Director at the Marsico Institute for Early Learning. She conducts early childhood research and evaluation projects, professional development trainings, and technical assistance with multiple stakeholders, including public and private preschools, Early Head Start and Head Start programs, institutes of higher education, and various local and state government agencies and centers. Her most recent interests are in understanding the relation between executive function and early mathematics, the cognitive and social-emotional benefits of high-quality make-believe play, and scaffolded writing to develop early literacy skills.
She is a co-PI on an IES Goal 3 study evaluating the efficacy of the pre-K interdisciplinary curriculum, Connect4Learning (C4L), and was the project director on an NSF-funded development study of C4L. She is a Research Associate and Project Director for the Development and Research in Early Math Education Network. She served as Director for multiple federally funded projects from NSF, IES, OEL, ACF Office of Head Start, and foundation-funded grants. She has also served on several Regional Education Laboratories and early childhood resource and development Centers. Her work has been published in various journals and groups, such as Journal of Educational Research, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of Play, Early Education and Development and NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, ASCD, Cambridge Handbook series, and others.
Ph.D. Experimental Psychology (emphasis in cognitive and developmental psychology), University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 2011
Areas of Research
Early Math
Early Science
Executive Function
Literacy, Scaffolded Writing
Curricula and Instruction
Featured Publications
Clements, D. H., Dong, Y., Day-Hess, C. A., & Sarama, J. (2024). Longitudinal investigation of early mathematical achievement and classroom strategic diversity: A replication and extension study. Learning and Individual Differences, 114, 102516-. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2024.102516
Dong, Y., Dumas, D., Clements, D. H., Day-Hess, C. A., & Sarama, J. (2023). Evaluating the Consequential Validity of the Research-Based Early Mathematics Assessment. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 41(5), 575–582. https://doi.org/10.1177/07342829231165812
Dong, Y., Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Dumas, D., Banse, H. W., & Day-Hess, C. (2022). Mathematics and Executive Function Competencies in the Context of Interventions: A Quantile Regression Analysis. The Journal of Experimental Education, 90(2), 297–318. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2020.1777070
Banse, H. W., Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Day-Hess, C., Simoni, M., & Joswick, C. (2021). Intentional Teaching Moments: Supporting Executive Function Development and Early Mathematics Through a Geometry Activity. YC Young Children, 76(3), 75–82.
Dong, Y., Clements, D. H., Day-Hess, C. A., Sarama, J., & Dumas, D. (2021). Measuring Early Childhood Mathematical Cognition: Validating and Equating Two Forms of the Research-Based Early Mathematics Assessment. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 39(8), 983–998. https://doi.org/10.1177/07342829211037195
Mulcahy, C., Day Hess, C. A., Clements, D. H., Ernst, J. R., Pan, S. E., Mazzocco, M. M. M., & Sarama, J. (2021). Supporting Young Children’s Development of Executive Function Through Early Mathematics. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8(2), 192–199. https://doi.org/10.1177/23727322211033005
Banse, H. W., Clements, D. H., Day-Hess, C., Sarama, J., Simoni, M., & Ratchford, J. (2020). Teaching moves and preschoolers’ arithmetical accuracy. The Journal of Educational Research (Washington, D.C.), 113(6), 418–430. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2020.1846484
Clements, D. H., Dumas, D., Dong, Y., Banse, H. W., Sarama, J., & Day-Hess, C. A. (2020). Strategy diversity in early mathematics classrooms. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 60, 101834-. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2019.101834
Joswick, C., Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Banse, H. W., & Day-Hess, C. A. (2019). Double Impact: Mathematics and Executive Function. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(7), 416–426. https://doi.org/10.5951/teacchilmath.25.7.0416
Germeroth, C., Bodrova, E., Day-Hess, C., Barker, J., Sarama, J., Clements, D. H., & Layzer, C. (2019). Play it High, Play it Low: Examining the Reliability and Validity of a New Observation Tool to Measure Children’s Make-Believe Play. American Journal of Play, 11(2), 183–221.
Sarama, J., Clements, D., Germeroth, C., & Day-Hess, C. (2017). The Development of Early Childhood Mathematics Education (1st ed., Vol. 53). Elsevier Science & Technology.
Bodrova, E., Leong, D. J., Germeroth, C., & Day-Hess, C. A. (2018). Leading children in their “leading activity”: A Vygotskian approach to play. In The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and Disciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Day-Hess, C., & Clements, D. H. (2017). The DREME Network: Research and interventions in early childhood mathematics. In Sarama, J., Clements, D. H., Germeroth, C., & DayHess, C. (Eds.), Advances in child development and behavior: The development of early childhood mathematics education, Vol. 53 (pp. 2-41). Burlington: Academic Press.
Sarama, J., Clements, D. H., Germeroth, C., & Day-Hess, C. (Eds.) (2017). Advances in child development and behavior: The development of early childhood mathematics education, Vol. 53. Burlington: Academic Press.
Germeroth, C., & Day-Hess, C. (2013). Self-regulated learning for academic success: How do I help students manage their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions? ASCD Arias. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Day-Hess, C. (2013, Summer). Engaging families: What we can learn from pre-K. Changing Schools, 69, 14-15. January 2018
Day-Hess - 9 North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. (2012). Selecting a comprehensive preschool curriculum: A decision-making guide for educators. http://www.dpi.state.nd.us/EarlyChildhoodEduc/curricguidance.pdf
Bjork, C., Bodrova, E., Day-Hess, C., Germeroth, C., Mazzeo, D., & Isaacs, S. (2012). Dynamic coaching: Scaffolding early learning. Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning, Denver, CO.
Bodrova, E., Bjork, C., Day-Hess, C., Germeroth, C., Mazzeo, D., & Isaacs, S. (2012). Scaffolding early learning: Strategies for success. Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning, Denver, CO.
Day, C. A. (2011). Parenting children in high-risk environments: An examination of maternal sensitivity in poverty. In D. W. Davis & M. C. Logsdon (Eds.), Maternal sensitivity: A scientific foundation for practice (pp. 195-214). New York: Nova Science.
Day, C. A., & Burns, B. M. (2011). Characterizing the achievement motivation orientation of children from low- and middle-income families. Early Education & Development, 22, 105-127.
Day, C. A. (2007). Attachment and early language development: Implications for early intervention. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 10, 143-150.
Flores, P. A., Day, C. A., Richard, H., & Horace, A. (2007). Promoting mother-child attachment: Review of the past and recommendations for future interventions. NHSA Dialog: Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 10, 129-142.
. (2021). Exploration of Theoretical and Empirical Congruence in a Measure of Early Math. The 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). Society for Research in Child Development.
Day-Hess, C., Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Ganzar, J., & Pugia, A. (2018, April). Comprehensive review of assessments of mathematics in early childhood. Presentation at the meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, D.C.
Simoni, M., Clements, D. H., Day-Hess, C., Germeroth, C., & Sarama, J. (2018, April). Review of early childhood mathematics curricular activities. Presentation at the meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, D.C.
Germeroth, C., Sarama, J., Clements, D. H., Day-Hess, C., Layzer, C., et al. (2017, April). Play it high, play it low: Examining the reliability and validity of a new observation tool to assess children’s make-believe play. In M. Holodynski (Chair), Make-believe play and socio-emotional competence in preschoolers. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Day-Hess, C., & Germeroth, C. (2016, March). The important business of play: Examining the reliability and validity of the mature play observation tool. Presentation at the meeting of the Society for Research in Human Development. Denver, CO.
Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Day-Hess, C., Germeroth, C., Stipek, D., et al., (2016, June). Comprehensive review of assessments of mathematics in early childhood. Presentation at the meeting of the NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development. Baltimore, MD.
Day-Hess, C., Leong, D., & Peters, J. (2015, June). Scaffolded writing: Promoting writing skills in English- and Spanish-speaking children using a Vygotskian-based technique that promotes literacy skills and executive functions. Presentation at the NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development. New Orleans, LA.
Day-Hess, C., & Wilson, K. (2015, April). Assessing play to support self-regulation. Presentation at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference. Denver, CO. January 2018
Germeroth, C., Day-Hess, C., Bodrova, E. (2014, March). Scaffolding writing: A developmentally appropriate practice to prepare young children for the Common Core. Presentation at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference. Denver, CO.
Germeroth, C., & Day-Hess, C. (2013, April). Preparing preschool children for the Common Core State Standards using developmentally appropriate practices. McREL Professional Development Event. Germeroth, C., & Day-Hess, C. (2013, April). Keeping kindergarten playful: Addressing the Common Core State Standards with developmentally appropriate practice. McREL Professional Development Event.
Day-Hess, C. A., & Germeroth, R. C. (2012, October). An overview of North Dakota’s “Selecting a Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum: A Decision-Making Guide for Educators.” Presentation at North Dakota’s 2012 Title I, Special Education, and 21st CCLC Fall Conference. Bismarck, ND.
Day-Hess, C. A., & Germeroth, R. C. (2012, October). How to use North Dakota’s “Selecting a Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum: A Decision-Making Guide for Educators.” Presentation at North Dakota’s 2012 Title I, Special Education, and 21st CCLC Fall Conference. Bismarck, ND.
Day, C. A., Bodrova, E., Germeroth, R. C., & Mazzeo, D. (2012, June). Play it high, play it low: Use of the Mature Play Rubric. Presentation at the National Association for the Education of Young Children 21st National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development. Indianapolis, IN.
Germeroth, R. C., Mazzeo, D., Bodrova, E., Cherasaro, T., Day, C. A., & Bjork, C. (2012, June). Assessing early literacy skills with a play-based progress monitoring tool. Poster session at Head Start’s 11th National Research Conference. Washington, DC. Day, C. A., & Burns, B. M. (2010, June). Characterizing achievement motivation orientation of children from low- and middle-income families. Poster session at Head Start's 10th National Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Brown, D. D., Day, C. A., & Burns, B. M. (2010, April). Characterizing attention network skills of children from middle- and low-income families. Poster session at the 21st Biennial Conference on Human Development. New York, NY.
Day, C. A., & Burns, B. M. (2009, April). Children’s expressions of shame and pride as related to their motivation orientation. Poster session at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Denver, CO.
Day, C. A., & Burns, B. M. (2009, April). Examining the relation of children’s motivation orientation and verbalizations during a challenging task. Poster session at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Denver, CO.
Day, C. A., Harris, R. C., Carter, K., & Burns, B. M. (2008, June). Evaluation of a classroombased intervention on mastery motivation outcomes in children in Head Start. Poster session at Head Start's 9th National Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Day, C. A., Harris, R. C., Ford, A., & Burns, B. M. (2008, June). Examining the relation of the Preschool Learning Behaviors Scale to children’s motivation orientation in Head Start. Poster session at Head Start's 9th National Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Key Projects
Preschool Through Elementary School Coherence: A DREME Network Project
Funded by Heising-Simons Foundation as part of the DREME Network (April 2015 – Present) The goal of the COHERE project is to identify policies and practices that are associated with high quality, continuous math education from preK through the early primary grades. Specifically, the COHERE team is collaborating with two diverse districts in California to document their efforts to create policy alignment and continuity, and measure how these efforts influence students’ learning opportunities, experiences, and ultimately math proficiencies from preschool through grade
Making More of Mathematics: A DREME Network Project
Funded by Heising-Simons Foundation as part of the DREME Network (April 2015 – Present) The goal of this project is to systematically evaluate whether carefully developed mathematics January 2018 Day-Hess - 3 activities contribute to the development of EF and mathematics, and whether these activities affect gains in math and EF differently, depending on children’s initial levels of EF and math skills. Work on the project involves multiple levels of development, behavioral coding, and analysis of early childhood mathematics activities. The ultimate goal is to develop instructional materials and identify teaching practices that simultaneously promote the development of children’s mathematical thinking and executive function.
Evaluation of the Denver Babies Ready for College (BRFC) Program
Funded by Mile High Early Learning (June 2016 – Present) The goal of the project is to evaluate the BRFC program, which is designed to begin planting the seed of expectation for higher education in families living in chronically under-resourced communities, improving children’s long-term educational outcomes through parent and caregiver education and developing civic leadership among parents and caregivers. The weekly 10-topic curriculum is offered in the Denver Metro community and selected Denver Public Schools. The evaluation includes the development and implementation of surveys, focus groups, and caregiver-child video observations.
National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL)
Funded by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Administration for Children and Families, the Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care (September 2016 – Present) The Marsico Institute for Early Learning and Literacy is one of seven other partners, led by Zero to Three managing the National Center for Early Childhood Teaching and Learning (NCECDTL). Marsico provides technical assistance to Head Start and Child Care setting nationally through the NCECDTL. Additionally, Marsico routinely develops resources to support curriculum implementation including videos and print resources.
Central Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Partner
Funded by U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (March 2017 – Present) The REL supports state and local agencies in its region and provides technical assistance, research assistance, and resources to introduce best and proven practices into the nation’s schools. Specifically, REL Central supports these efforts in Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Current projects include the development of early childhood program data use rubrics and development and piloting of a kindergarten readiness assessment. City of Phoenix Head Start Learning Institute Funded by City of Phoenix Head Start (September 2016 – Present) In an effort to increase the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts of mathematics and inquiry-based practices for teachers and staff, Marsico supports the City of Phoenix Head Start program’s annual professional development training. Four hundred Head Start and Early Head Start teachers attend the annual professional development focused on developing teachers’ instructional practices in early mathematics through a series of one-day Learning Institutes. Marsico staff also provide monthly virtual technical assistance to instructional coaches and staff to support teachers in implementing into practice their learning from the Institute in a manner that is specifically contextualized to their sites.
Early Childhood Professional Development Workshops
Funded by multiple partners across Colorado (April 2015 – Present) As part of the Marsico Institute, work to conduct professional development trainings to early childhood teachers in Colorado, including Canon City Preschools, All Souls Catholic School, Fisher January 2018 Day-Hess - 4 Early Learning Center, and the Ricks Center for Gifted Children. Sample topics of training include: scaffolded writing, mature make-believe play, early mathematics learning, and social-emotional development.
Jefferson Prosperity Project Evaluation (JPP)
Funded by the Jefferson County Department of Human Services (February 2016 – Present) The Jefferson Prosperity Project (JPP) is a major collaboration between local educational, business, non-profit and government agencies seeks to tackle poverty in the greater Denver area. Evaluation of the JPP involves collecting and analyzing survey, coaching, and focus group data to evaluate the project and provide strategic feedback to maximize the JPP’s positive impact on the local community.
Lyrics2Learn (L2L) Evaluation
Funded by the Project X-Cite (September 2016 – Present) The goal of the project is to evaluate the efficacy of the L2L program, which is a reading supplement that sets reading text to rhythm and music and addresses over 85% of the Common Core Reading Standards by blending many of the history, science, and writing standards into lessons. The evaluation includes teacher surveys of program perceptions and use, as well as secondary data of student program use and performance.
Connect4Learning (C4L): Early Childhood Education in the Context of Mathematics, Science, and Literacy
Funded by National Science Foundation, Award #1313718 (April 2015 – June 2016) This project focuses on the development, implementation, and pilot of the Connect4Learning (C4L) interdisciplinary curriculum. C4L connects four basic domains of learning: mathematics, science, literacy, and social-emotional development. The materials were developed in the first two years of the project and piloted by teachers. In the third and continuing into the fourth year of the project, the materials are being piloted and the curriculum implemented at several sites. Formative evaluation data are being used to revise the materials and pre- and post-tests in each of the content areas are being used to measure children’s improved learning.
Colorado Department of Human Services Special Population Gap Analysis
Funded by the Colorado Department of Human Services (April 2015 – March 2016) The purpose of this project is to examine and describe the internal and external supports children with special needs and their families receive in the state of Colorado. The goals of the study are to: (1) determine areas of coordination among state-funded support agencies; (2) identify gaps in service delivery, communication, and coordination; and (3) inform stakeholders of specific areas that may foster or impair provision of child and family supports.
Tools of the Mind Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Curriculum Training & Technical Assistance
Funded by various grant sources, education agencies, and school districts across the U.S. – Denver Public Schools, CO; Jeffco Public Schools, CO; Monte Vista Schools, CO; Poudre Valley School District, CO; District of Columbia Public Schools; Tucson Unified School District, AZ; Higher Education Alliance, Elkhart County, IN; New York City DOE – Nonpublic Schools, NY; New Brunswick Public Schools, NJ (January 2014 – April 2015) The central focus of the Tools of the Mind curriculum is the development of both cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation skills, while also teaching academic skills. Responsibilities January 2018 Day-Hess - 5 include: recruiting and negotiating contracts with clients; delivering and overseeing professional development training and onsite and virtual technical assistance to preschool, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten programs; working with school administrators and teachers on understanding the importance of using research and data to help guide classroom practices; and monitoring program implementation fidelity. A portion of this work also includes managing Tools of the Mind lab schools in Denver and working with these sites to collect data on children’s reading, writing, and levels of play to further inform and support program implementation and curriculum development.
Assistance to Pilot Early Childhood Teacher Standards in Yap
Funded as part of the Pacific Regional Educational Laboratory Task 3.5 (2013) The primary goal of this project was to provide technical assistance to the Yap Early Childhood Advisory Committee in how to successfully pilot the use of teacher standards and corresponding rubrics in select ECE classrooms. Responsibilities included co-developing and -leading a twoday in-person training for ECE personnel around the following topics: review of the nature and language of performance standards, indicators, and rubrics; how to examine an indicator and rubric for types of appropriate evidence that the standard has been met; how to select representative standards for observation in the first year; what it means for observer judgments to be fair, valid, and reliable; methods and processes to ensure judgments are fair, valid, and reliable; and how to document evidence that a specific standard is being met.
Evaluation of Midwest Regional Center for Nano Technology Education (Nano-Link)
Funded by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education Centers through the Midwest Regional Center for Nano Technology Education (2013) Served as an evaluator for the external evaluation of the Midwest Regional Center for Nano Technology Education’s implementation of their Advanced Technological Education Center grant. Grant activities included developing partnerships, outreach, curriculum development, and professional development. Evaluation efforts included working with the grantee to define intended outcomes of project activities, developing a program logic model, and determining an evaluation plan to provide the grantee with formative and summative evaluation data about key project activities. Responsibilities included participating all aspects of the evaluation, including instrument development, data collection, data analysis, and reporting.
Assessment of Higher Education Institutions in Supporting Early Childhood Educators in Hawaii
Funded by the State of Hawaii Executive Office on Early Learning (2013) The goals of this study were to assess the capacity and effectiveness of Hawaii’s two-and fouryear public and private higher education institutions in supporting the development of early childhood educators. The outcomes of the study provided the Governor’s Executive Office of Early Learning information to develop a comprehensive early childhood system. As Data Collection Lead, responsibilities included determining and carrying out approaches to data collection and production of reporting and dissemination products.
Evaluation of Albuquerque Public Schools Smaller Learning Communities Grant
Funded by the U. S. Department of Education, Smaller Learning Communities Grant Program through Albuquerque Public Schools (March – June 2013) Served as the site evaluator for an evaluation of the goals and implementation strategies of a January 2018 Day-Hess - 6 Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) grant. Project goals include: enhancing advisory activities in freshman academies, piloting sophomore academies, and expanding career academy choices for students. The evaluation of this project included an examination of implementation in the seven SLC schools, including academic rigor in core subject curriculum, the creation of integrated career pathways, and access to Advanced Placement and dual credit courses. Responsibilities included: data collection, data analysis, and reporting.
Scaffolding Early Learning Professional Development
Funded by EASTCONN (2012 – 2013) Funded by Waukesha School District (2012 – 2013) The major goal of this project was to support the development of early childhood centers and Head Start classrooms that served primarily children from low-income families and that focused on all areas of development. Responsibilities included: assisting in providing sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused professional development to increase teachers’ knowledge of the development of language, cognitive, and early reading skills for preschool-age children, and how they can be supported by mature play; advance teacher understanding and use of researchbased instructional strategies; increase teacher knowledge and use of the use of data and assessment to inform classroom practice; and help program staff use SEL to promote family engagement. Roles included: developing and co-presenting webinars and onsite trainings, conducting classroom observations, and various aspects of project management.
Evaluation Study: Regional Early Childhood Workforce Development Strategies
Funded by State of Arizona First Things First (2012 – 2013) The main goal of this study was to conduct a targeted evaluation to examine the effectiveness and impact of the Community of Practice (CoP) Professional Development Strategy being utilized by a variety of early childhood trainees and professionals. Guided by the CIPP and Utilization-Focused models, the investigative plan included collecting quantitative and qualitative program and process information from all regional CoPs. Key responsibility included: serving as the data collection lead, managing associated tasks, and report writing.
Evaluation of Denver Public Schools Teacher Performance Evaluation System (LEAP)
Funded by Denver Public Schools (2011 – 2013) Provided evaluation services to Denver Public Schools to evaluate their new teacher performance evaluation system, Leading Effective Academic Practice. The evaluation project included: collection and analysis of reliability and validity evidence for the observation framework and a program evaluation to examine implementation, quality, impact and sustainability of the evaluation system. Responsibilities included: assisting with all aspects of the design and evaluation, including instrument development, data collection and analysis, and reporting.
Professional Development and Technical Assistance for Early Reading First Projects
Sponsored by U. S. Department of Education; conducted in various sites: Minot, North Dakota Preschool Literacy Acquisition Collaborative (2008-2012) United Way of Miami Dade Center for Excellence in Early Education (2009-2012) The major goal of these projects was to support the development of early childhood centers of excellence that serve primarily children from low-income families and that focus on all areas of development, especially on early language, cognitive, and pre-reading skills. Responsibilities included: assisting in providing sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused professional January 2018 Day-Hess - 7 development to increase teachers’ knowledge of the development of language, cognitive, and early reading skills for preschool-age children; advance teacher understanding and use of research-based instructional strategies; increase teacher knowledge and use of the use of data and assessment to inform classroom practice; and help program staff work more effectively with parents. Roles included: helping to develop and present various webinars and onsite trainings in Miami and North Dakota sites; also served as project manager for Miami site early 2012 through the close of the grant. As part of these grants, we also developed two guidebooks—one for the Scaffolding Early Literacy/Learning program and one for the Dynamic Coaching model.
North Dakota Early Preschool and Early Childhood Curriculum North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (2012)
The goal of this project was to develop state early learning guidelines and a related curriculum selection guide for early childhood educators. Responsibilities included: reviewing and synthesizing national and state documents to determine “critical components” in choosing a preschool curriculum, and leading the development of a research-based Curriculum Selection Guide and accompanying Action Tools that guide reviewers through the process of choosing an appropriate and effective early childhood curriculum.
Ribbon of Hope Grant Evaluator
Funded by North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation (2012 – 2013) Co-led a team to support the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation in the creation, implementation, and evaluation of the Ribbon of Hope grant program. The program awards grants and voluntary technical assistance to organizations across the state of North Carolina that serve its citizens in the areas of health, education, and science. Responsibilities included: creating and disseminating the request for proposals; providing record keeping and initial screening of applications for further review; making final recommendations to the Foundation’s Executive Director; facilitating the announcement of award winners; providing grantees with an evaluation plan derived from their proposal which they are required to complete during the first year of their program; and creating annual reports for the Foundation.
Evaluation of a Strengthening Institutions Grant
Funded by Metropolitan State College of Denver (now Metro State University) (2011-2012) The goal of this project was to survey MSCD faculty and advising staff to gather information about satisfaction with the advising system, training and information needs related to advising, and advising practices. Responsibilities associated with surveying faculty and advising staff included: developing the survey, deploying and managing the survey, cleaning and analyzing survey data, and reporting on results.
Mastery Motivation Training in Head Start Conducted in Head Start Programs in Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, Kentucky (2006-2011)
This project examined a 10-week classroom-based motivation intervention program designed to promote mastery motivation and positive self-talk during challenge in at-risk preschool-aged children. The study compared the motivation orientation, private speech patterns, self-evaluative emotions, and learning behaviors of children receiving the intervention to those of a control group. Responsibilities included developing the research and intervention protocols, training research assistants and teachers in the implementation of the intervention, conducting January 2018 Day-Hess - 8 assessments, analyzing data, and reporting findings.
A Preliminary Evaluation of an Early Childhood Curriculum Program Conducted in Head Start and Preschool Programs in Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, Kentucky (2008-2009)
This project included approximately 238 early childhood classrooms in the Early Childhood Program in the local public school system. The project examined the role of dialogic reading and parent involvement enrichment programs in promoting positive child outcomes in a variety of domains important for school readiness. Responsibilities included evaluating the use of current curriculum materials, developing new and expanding upon existing curriculum materials to outline opportunities for dialogic reading and parent involvement.
Early Intervention for Maternal Sensitivity in Low-Income Families Conducted in Early Head Start Programs in Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, Kentucky (2006-2008)
This project was a pilot study that implemented the nationally recognized early intervention program, “Promoting First Relationships.” The goal of the study was to establish the utility of this 16-week intervention program for at-risk families with young children within an existing Early Head Start structure, following a Systems of Care approach. Responsibilities included study protocol and program development and implementation, participant recruitment, behavioral coding, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis and reporting.