Our Master of Arts (M.A.) program helps you develop cutting edge research skills—and turn them into tools for social change. Whether you want to advance your career as part of a school system, nonprofit or corporation, you will learn how to use data to become a leader and trusted decision-maker for your organization.

Our foundational coursework covers quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. You will:

  • Explore various statistical analysis methods
  • Create quantitative measures and qualitative protocol
  • Participate in research studies
  • Design your own research studies in a variety of fields

Our faculty are experts in the field. They will show you how to conduct and apply high-quality research to help build a more sustainable, democratic, and just world.

Learning Outcomes

The program learning outcomes for the Master of Arts in Research Methods and Statistics are as follows:

  • Students will design research projects with faculty members and community partners using knowledge of the strengths and limitations of diverse modes of inquiry.
  • Students will create and evaluate quantitative and/or qualitative instruments/protocols.
  • Students will communicate research design and methods in writing according to APA format and orally.
  • Students will apply research ethics and adhere to an ethical code of conduct when engaging with professional and local communities.

Program Requirements

Admission to our MA program requires a bachelor’s degree.

You will need to complete 45-quarter credit hours. Other requirements include:

  • A comprehensive exam or thesis
  • An evaluation practicum