The Teacher Education Program (TEP) at DU equips you with the essential knowledge and strategies needed for a successful career in education. You will gain a MA in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Teacher Education and a Colorado teaching license in elementary or secondary education. Specialize in areas like culturally and linguistically diverse education, gifted education or STEM.
TEP focuses on four pillars: love, critical thinking, radical justice and community-oriented practice. During your coursework, you'll spend an academic year in a classroom placement with a mentor teacher, gaining hands-on experience. Whether you're a recent graduate or changing careers, DU’s TEP offers rigorous and comprehensive preparation for teaching in diverse communities.
Start Dates: Summer
Curriculum: 54 Credit Hours
Program Length: 12 Months or 24 Months for Para-to-Teacher Pathway
1 Year to complete your MA degree and attain a Colorado Teaching License
3 Cognate specialization areas to choose from
100% Percentage of admitted students who receive some form of tuition assistance from the Morgridge College of Education
MA in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Teacher Education
How our program prepares you for your career in the classroom
Get classroom ready
The TEP curriculum provides you with a comprehensive overview of the essential knowledge and skills needed for effective teaching.
Focus on curriculum and instruction
You will complete many courses focused on curriculum, instruction and assessment and methods courses for literacy, math, science and social studies.
Complete specialized courses
The curriculum also includes specialized courses in child development theory, classroom management, foundations of education for linguistically diverse learners, special education and gifted and talented education. Combined with your chosen specialization, these courses provide crucial information for supporting diverse learners.
Benefit from the framework for equitable and effective teaching
The year-long field experience class is grounded in the Framework for Equitable and Effective Teaching (FEET), preparing you to effect radical change in the field of education.
Get experience through coursework and professional development
You will get comprehensive exposure to all facets of teaching through your coursework and additional professional development opportunities provided free throughout the school year.
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Application Information
Learning Outcomes, Licensure and Endorsements
The Teacher Candidate engages students in an inclusive and supportive learning community.
The Teacher Candidate plans rigorous, relevant lesson plans and unit plans based on standards and outcomes.
The Teacher Candidate teaches equitably by establishing high expectations for student achievement and providing support.
The Teacher Candidate leads by exemplifying standards of professional practice.
Upon the completion of the degree, the Teacher Candidate can apply for a Colorado Initial Teacher License from the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).
If you complete the Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Education cognate, or Gifted Education cognate (and pass GT PRAXIS® test), you will have completed an approved program to receive an added endorsement from the Colorado Department of Education.

Get Started in the Teacher Education Program
Build your teaching career with a master’s degree from the University of Denver’s Morgridge College of Education