For individuals who have already earned an eligible Master’s degree, the 24-credit Certificate in School Counseling leads to recommendation for the Colorado Special Services Provider License as a School Counselor and may lead to eligibility as a school counselor in various other states, depending on credentialing requirements in each individual state at the time of application.

Through coursework from the CACREP-accredited School Counseling MA degree, this certificate program offers focused school counseling content to prepare counselors to meet the academic, career, and social/emotional needs of students from diverse backgrounds within P-12 school systems. This certificate requires two 300-hour internship experiences, completed in a P-12 school in your community, which are integrated into the coursework (i.e., COUN 4910, COUN 4920). The program can be completed in as few as three quarters (depending on start term and course offerings) and is offered in a fully online format with weekly, synchronous live class meetings held in evenings via video conferencing software.