Assessment Resources

Students applying for admission for Upper Primary (Grades 3rd & 4th) and Middle School (Grades 5th-8th) must complete the appropriate assessments to determine their educational needs in order for their application to be considered for enrollment.  

Assessments should be obtained from psychologists who specialize in educational testing and who are experienced in the assessment of gifted children. The assessment must include: 

  • An individual test of intelligence, including WISC, DAS, or other district administered ability test such as CogAT or NNAT. 
  • A test of achievement completed within the past two years, such as the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement or other nationally normed assessments. 
  • Children who have been identified as gifted elsewhere should include the identification criteria and documentation with the application. 

For your reference, the following is a list of sources for educational assessment. Parents are welcome to utilize any educational consultant to receive the proper admissions assessment, Wechsler Intelligence Tests or Differential Abilities Scale for 1st to 8th grade, and achievement testing for 3rd to 8th grade. It is the parents’ responsibility to decide which educational tester best fits their child's needs.

Expect this list to evolve as we continue to meet with psychologists and make updates. Inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by Ricks Center for Gifted Children.

Assessment Referrals