
Ricks Center alumni remain connected not only to one another but also to the faculty and school. These connections include long-term mentorships with former teachers that transform over time to friendships based on mutual interests and passions. Student alumni serve their former school by acting as role models, mentors, and guides to current students and families through events such as Life After Ricks and College Connections; they also act as volunteers at school events such as the carnival, the school play, and other events.

“I am grateful to the teachers who encouraged me to get out of my shell and be more outspoken. At Ricks, I was able to fully explore my potential and learned self-motivation. What I can say to future alumni is assert yourself. Lean into the discomfort of new opportunities. Say yes to everything.” 

Bree , Ricks Center alumna

A Community that Spans a Lifetime

Community Connections after Graduation

Students are not the only alumni of Ricks Center. As part of the Ricks Community, family members of graduates continue their connections by attending school plays and community events, and staying connected with faculty members.


If you are a family member of a Ricks Graduate, learn more about how you can stay connected.

Ricks Community Association

Share your Story

Ricks Alumni, we would love to hear from you! Email us. 

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