David Furjanic
Assistant Professor of School Psychology
Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall, 1999 E. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80208
Ph.D. School Psychology 2021: University of Oregon Advisor: Dr. Ben Clarke Dissertation: Exploring the Added Value of a Number Line Assessment for Kindergarten Mathematics Screening
M.S. Special Education 2021: University of Oregon
M.S. Psychology 2017: Millersville University of Pennsylvania NASP-Approved Program
B.S. Psychology 2013: The Pennsylvania State University
Licensure / Accreditations
National Certification in School Psychology (NCSP), #49713
Certified Trainer of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) 8th Edition
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate – University of South Florida Corporate Training and Professional Education
Featured Publications
Journal Articles Furjanic, D., Ives, C., Fainstein, D., Kennedy, P., & Biancarosa, G. (in press). The COVID-19 pandemic and oral reading fluency. Elementary School Journal.
Sutherland, M., Furjanic, D., Hermida, J., & Clarke., B. (in press). Using the number line to develop understanding of whole number magnitude and operations. Intervention in School and Clinic, 59(3).
Castillo, J., Garbacz, A., Black, W. R., Davis, D., Wingate, E., & Furjanic, D. (2022). The role of sensemaking in the organizational consultation process in schools. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/10474412.2022.2132254
Furjanic, D., Mannan, I., Hamilton, J., Nese, J. F. T., Austin, S., Izzard, S., Nese, R. N. T. (2021). Examining the social validity of a universal intervention for reducing exclusionary discipline through stakeholder voice. Journal of Applied School Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/15377903.2021.1968092
Sutherland, M., Clarke, B., Nese, J. F., Cary, M. S., Shanley, L., Furjanic, D., & Durán, L. (2021). Investigating the utility of a kindergarten number line assessment compared to an early numeracy screening battery. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 55, 119-128.
Clarke, B., Nelson, N. J., Ketterlin Geller, L., Kosty, D., Smolkowski, K., Lesner, T., Furjanic, D., & Fien, H. (2020). Investigating the promise of a Tier 2 sixth-grade fractions intervention. Learning Disability Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731948720972411
Toste, J. R., Clemens, N., Furjanic, D. (accepted). Initial trial of the EXPERT Program: Supporting teachers’ data-based decision-making for upper elementary students with reading disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly. Registered report preprint available at https://osf.io/6ftbm
Manuscripts in Preparation
Furjanic, D., Anthony, J., Pham, T., Williams., J., & Erazo, N. (under revision). Are concrete manipulatives necessary for the assessment of early arithmetic ability?
Toste, J. R., Furjanic, D., & Hardeman, E. (in preparation). Supporting teachers’ graph analysis to guide data-based instruction: Development of the EXPERT Monitoring Tool.
Furjanic, D., Fry, E., & Toste, J. R. (in preparation). Interpreting progress monitoring graphs to guide effective instructional decision-making: Practitioner guide.
Fainstein, D. & Furjanic, D. (in preparation). Applying data-based decision-making to meet student needs: Practitioner guide.
Furjanic, D., Clarke, B., & Nese, J. (in preparation). Exploring the added value of a number line assessment for kindergarten mathematics screening.
Book Chapters
Williamson, P., Williams, K. J., Furjanic, D., & Toste, J. (2022). High-quality core classroom reading instruction. In B. L. Hott (Ed.), Quality instruction and intervention: Strategies for secondary educators. Rowman & Littlefield.
Hardeman, E. B., Toste, J. R., & Furjanic, D. (2024, February). Development of the EXPERT Monitoring Tool to support teachers’ data-based decision-making. [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Furjanic, D., Fry, E., Feuer, B., & Toste, J. R. (2023, October). So you’ve collected CBM progress data. Now what?. [Panel presentation.] Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Furjanic, D., Toste, J. R., & Fry, E. (2022, February). Professional collaboration as a core feature of a teacher training program to support data-based decision-making. [Panel presentation.] Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Toste, J. R., Feuer, B., Fry, E., & Furjanic, D. (2022, February). Training program to support teacher expertise in data-based decision-making. [Panel presentation.] Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Furjanic, D., Ives, C., & Fainstein, D. (2022, February). COVID-19 and oral reading fluency. [Poster presentation.] Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Fry, E., Toste, J., & Furjanic, D. (2022, February). Graph reading skills: A systematic review of how individuals interpret academic progress graphs. [Poster presentation.] Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Roy, K., Lussier, C., Ives, C., Furjanic, D., & Biancarosa, G. (2021, February). DIBELS 8 Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) remote assessment outcomes amid COVID-19. [Poster presentation.] Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Fainstein, D., Gallo, J., Heller, N., Lesner, T., Furjanic, D., Roy, K., & Biancarosa, G. (2021, February). Assessment outcomes for remote administration of DIBELS 8th ORF during COVID-19. [Poster presentation.] Pacific Coast Research Conference, Coronado, CA.
Furjanic, D. & Nelson, N. (2020, February). Making meaningful educational decisions with DIBELS 8. [Paper presentation.] National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Sutherland, M., Clarke, B., Nese, J., Strand Cary, M., Shanley, L., Furjanic, D., & Heller, N. (2020, February). Exploring the number line assessment as an early numeracy screener. [Poster presentation.] Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Portland, OR.
Ives, C., Masser, J., Furjanic, D., Pilger Suhr, M., Roy, K., & Fien, H. (2019, February). Examining curricula and phonemic awareness outcomes following federal reading reform. [Poster presentation.] National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Harman, M., Roy, K., Furjanic, D., Pilger Suhr, M., Santiago, R., Hinkle, H., & Fien, H. (2019, February). Technical Assistance Centers: An opportunity for school psychology graduate students. [Poster presentation.] National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Nolan, K., Furjanic, D., Freiboth, N., Breiner, S., & Clarke, B. (2018, October). Developing and validating screeners of second grade measurement concepts. [Poster presentation.] Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Harman, M., Roy, K., Furjanic, D., Ives, C., Santiago, R., & Fien, H. (2018, May). National Center on Improving Literacy: Supporting learning by supporting families & educators. [Poster presentation.] University of Oregon Graduate Student Research Forum, Eugene, OR.