Master of Arts in Research Methods and Statistics

Our Master of Arts (M.A.) program helps you develop cutting edge research skills—and turn them into tools for social change. Whether you want to advance your career as part of a school system, nonprofit or corporation, you will learn how to use data to become a leader and trusted decision-maker for your organization.

Our foundational coursework covers quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. You will:

  • Explore various statistical analysis methods
  • Create quantitative measures and qualitative protocol
  • Participate in research studies
  • Design your own research studies in a variety of fields

Our faculty are experts in the field. They will show you how to conduct and apply high-quality research to help build a more sustainable, democratic, and just world.

Online Master of Arts in Research Methods and Statistics

Learn How to Take a Data Science Approach to the Social Sciences

Designed with working professionals in mind, our online M.A. option is self-paced and flexible. Whether you’re looking to advance your career or simply have a passion for data science – you’ll have the opportunity to learn on your terms and earn a degree from a Top 100 college.  Applications are currently being accepted.

Applications Open for Next Academic Year in August 


Applications Open In August

Explore Admission Requirements

Learning Outcomes

The program learning outcomes for the Master of Arts in Research Methods and Statistics are as follows:

  • Students will design research projects with faculty members and community partners using knowledge of the strengths and limitations of diverse modes of inquiry.
  • Students will create and evaluate quantitative and/or qualitative instruments/protocols.
  • Students will communicate research design and methods in writing according to APA format and orally.
  • Students will apply research ethics and adhere to an ethical code of conduct when engaging with professional and local communities.

Program Requirements

Admission to our MA program requires a bachelor’s degree.

You will need to complete 45-quarter credit hours. Other requirements include:

  • A comprehensive exam or thesis
  • An evaluation practicum