SchoolCounseling@Denver Annual Report

Each year, the SchoolCounseling@Denver program faculty and staff come together to review and use assessment data in order to identify needed program improvements. As part of this gathering, the Program writes and publishes a report that summarizes assessment efforts and program improvements during the past year as well as articulates future program improvements and assessment focus. A link to the 2023-2024 SchoolCounseling@Denver Annual Report can be found below.

2023-2024 SchoolCounseling@Denver Annual Report

If you have any feedback for the Program, please share your thoughts through our SchoolCounseling@Denver Feedback Survey – click here


SchoolCounseling@Denver Program Outcomes

The table below provides post-graduation outcome data for the SchoolCounseling@Denver program including the number of graduates, credentialing exam pass rates, program completion rates, and employment rates.

Number of Graduates

2020-2021 Academic Year - 3 graduates

2021-2022 Academic Year - 52 graduates

2022-2023 Academic Year - 55 graduates 

2023-2024 Academic Year – 34 graduates 

Credentialing Exam Pass Rates1

2020-2021 Academic Year - 100% (N=2)

2021-2022 Academic Year - 100% (N=30)

2022-2023 Academic Year - 100% (N=35)

2023-2024 Academic Year – 95% (n=28)

Program Completion Rates2

Two Year Graduation Rate - 39%

  • 39% still enrolled at two-year mark

Three Year Graduation Rate - 61%

  • 8% still enrolled at three-year mark

Four Year Graduation Rate – 68% 

  • 2% still enrolled at three-year mark

Employment Rates3

2020-2021 Graduate Cohort - 100% (n=3)

2021-2022 Graduate Cohort - 91% (n=43)

2022-2023 Graduate Cohort - 85% (n=41)

2023-2024 Graduate Cohort – 90% (n=21)



1 Credential exam pass rates reflect exam results such as the Praxis and are provided for graduates of the program. Given the online nature of the program, graduates seeking licensure or certification in certain US states may not be required to pass a credentialing exam. Pass rates are only reported for graduates for whom a credentialing exam is required for licensure/certification in that state and (a) score data is available to the program and/or (b) the graduate has an active school counseling credential in said state. 

2 Two-year graduation rates include students that started the program between fall 2019 and summer 2022. Three-year graduation rates include students that started the program between fall 2019 and summer 2021. Four-year graduation rates include students that started the program between fall 2019 and summer 2020.  As students can select from three program sequences (i.e., 2 years, 2.5 years, 4 years), the percentage of students still enrolled at either the two-year or three-year point is also provided.   

3 Employment data is collected via surveys at the time of graduation and one to three years post-graduation. Employment rates will reflect employment as a school counselor within the first-year post-graduation for graduates where employment information is known by the program.   


SchoolCounseling@Denver Supporting Documents

The SchoolCounseling@Denver program has provided supporting documents below related to the annual report. Past annual reports have also been provided.

Supporting Documents

The Blueprint document provides an overview of the SchoolCounseling@Denver assessment plan including types, venues for review, use, and sharing of data.

Past Annual Reports