MCE CAEP Accreditation

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) advances equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning. Accreditation provides a framework that has pushed educator preparation programs to continually self-assess and conduct evidence-based analysis of their programs and their efficacy. These evidence-based shifts, rooted in continuous improvement, are helping to ensure that preparation programs are more likely to produce successful educators. When an institution or specialized program is accredited by CAEP, it has demonstrated that it meets standards set by organizations representing the academic community, professionals, and other stakeholders. To maintain accreditation the institution or program must undergo a similar review on a regular basis. Typically reviews are conducted every 7 to 10 years.

The most recent CAEP accreditation review for the Morgridge College of Education resulted in initial program accreditation of the Teacher Education Program (TEP) in the following teaching endorsement areas: 

  • Elementary Education (K-6)
  • English Language Arts (Secondary Grades 7-12)
  • Mathematics (Secondary Grades 7-12)
  • Science (Secondary Grades 7-12)
  • Social Studies (Secondary Grades 7-12)
  • Special Education Generalist (Ages 5-21)

Call for Third Party Comments

The Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver is hosting an accreditation visit by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) on September 16 – 18, 2024. Interested parties are invited to submit third-party comments to the evaluation team. Please note that comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of professional education programs offered and should specify the party's relationship to the provider (i.e., graduate, present or former faculty member, employer of graduates).

We invite you to submit written testimony to:


1140 19th Street NW, Suite 400

Washington, DC 20036

Or by email to:

Such comments must be within the specified period and based on the core tenets of CAEP accreditation standards of excellence, which recognize that:

  • In CAEP's performance-based system, accreditation is based on evidence that demonstrates that teacher candidates know the subject matter and can teach it effectively so that students learn. In the CAEP system, EPPs must prove that candidates can connect theory to practice and be effective in an actual P-12 classroom.
  • A professional education provider that is accredited by CAEP is expected to be involved in ongoing planning and evaluation; engaged in continuous assessment and development; ensure that faculty and programs reflect new knowledge, practice, and technologies; and be involved in continuous development in response to the evolving world of education and educational reform.
  • Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of professional education programs offered, and should specify the respondent's relationship, if any, to the institution (i.e., graduate, present or former faculty member, employer of graduates). Copies of all correspondence received will be sent to the university for comment prior to the review.

Provide Feedback

How are we doing? Any program changes we should consider?  Share your thoughts through our TEP feedback survey

Accountability Measures

The Morgridge College of Education assesses the impacts of our Teacher Education Program (TEP) candidates and graduates using a variety of internal, alumni, and employer surveys. Survey results are available below. In addition to these results, you can explore the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Report. The CDE dashboard includes data on overall teaching effectiveness ratings, teacher quality standard ratings, and measures of student learning ratings.

Measure 1: Completer Effectiveness (R4.1)

These surveys are administered each spring to either the past three years of candidate employers (employer survey) or candidate cohorts (alumni survey). Survey questions include:

"Compared to other first-year teachers, how would you rate this teacher’s overall student growth?"

"Which of the following best describes your student growth rating this year?"

"Please rate the overall proficiency of the teacher."

"How would you currently rate your overall proficiency as an effective and equitable teacher?"


Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (R4.2 | R5.3)

Satisfaction of employers with our Teacher Education Program (TEP) graduates is assessed using an internal survey of employers. The survey is administered each spring to employers of the past three years of alumni cohorts. Survey questions include:

"Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the Teacher Education Program (TEP) at DU."

"Please indicate how likely you would be to recommend the Teacher Education Program (TEP) at DU to a prospective student?"

"Please indicate the teacher’s level of proficiency on the following FEET competencies."


Survey results are also collected from partner school and district leaders.


Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Completion (R3.3)

The following reports detail initial teacher licensure exam pass rates Teacher Education Program (TEP) candidates. Candidates must pass Colorado content specific exams on the first or second attempt to be considered as "passed."


Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired

Explore rates of employment upon graduation for Teacher Education Program (TEP) candidates. Data sources include internal surveys and information from the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Data Sharing Agreement.